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의학사 연구 관련 활동 5

작성자 사진: BaeminteacherBaeminteacher

Kansai international airport, Osaka, 2024

  1. 부산경남사학회 학술대회 참석

    작년 12월 13일, 부산대 인문관 501호 시습관에서 열린 학술대회에 참석하여 발표와 토론을 들었다.

    그날 저녁은 서울에 갈 일이 있어서 나는 5시가 되기 좀 전에 회의장을 나올 수밖에 없었지만, 많은 것을 배울 수 있었던 뜻깊은 시간이었다.

    특히 주제 1은 영국사와 주제 2는 medical history와 관련이 있어 나로서는 흥미가 갔고 (사실 그래서 부산경남사학회 회원도 아니지만 참석했던 것이기도 하다), 구한말과 관련된 내용은 교사 시절 한국사 수업 교과서 내용이 기억나서 또 한 편으로 나에게 의미가 있었다.

  1. 논문 개제 (해외)


A Victorian nature cure philosophy as a reconciliation of Romantic Naturalism and laboratory medicine: the case of E.W. Lane’s (1823–89) hygienic medicine


Medical History, First View, pp. 1 - 20.

Author: Min Bae

Published date: 6 January 2025 (online)

Article type: Original paper


This article primarily concentrates on the theoretical and intellectual dimensions of nature cure,

particularly efforts to revive it during the second half of the nineteenth century. Little is known about

specific medical professionals or theories concerning the Victorian philosophy of nature cure, although

this philosophy is mentioned in general terms in studies on alternativemedicine and hygiene. This article

illuminates a Victorian nature cure philosophy through the works of EdwardW. Lane (1823–1889). As a

physician and hydropathist, Lane aspired to create a new form of medical system, ‘hygienic medicine’,

seeking answers to the questions ‘What is disease?’ and ‘What is medicine?’ throughout his career. Lane

was among many physicians interested in nature’s healing power during his time. However, few

undertook as thorough a theorisation of nature cure philosophy as Lane did in the latter half of the

nineteenth century, a period that presented unprecedented challenges in reconciling medicine with

nature. This study explores the subtle nuances of the concepts that Lane actively used in his theoretical

explanations, including ‘nature’, ‘laws of health’ and ‘vital force’, interpreting his efforts as a reconciliation

between Romantic naturalism and laboratory medicine. The aim of this study is not to re-evaluate the

significance of Lane’smedical theory itself. It rather uses Lane as a lens to reveal the intricacies of Victorian

nature cure philosophy.

Keywords: Nature Cure; Romantic Naturalism; Laboratory Medicine; Vitalism; Laws of Health; Hygienic Medicine

In a traditional tea house near Minamiza Theater, Kyoto, 2024

In a Buddhist temple, Kyoto, 2024

In the above temple, Kyoto, 2024

In a tea room, Kyoto, 2024

In the above tea room, Kyoto, 2024


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